Protests supporting Palestine persist at universities in the Bay Area and throughout the country
At Cal Poly Humboldt, protesters left the buildings they barricaded since Monday after spray painting messages in classrooms.
“It’s important for us to be here, for us to disrupt the system that is carrying out funding for these atrocities,” said Apricot, a Cal Poly Humboldt student.
In response to the protests, Cal Poly Humboldt announced it is shutting down the campus the remainder of the semester and switching to online learning.
Sonoma State students are also calling for an end to deadly violence in Gaza as they camp in tents on campus.
Students were also sleeping in tents on the steps of Sproul Hall at UC Berkeley as part of a Gaza solidarity encampment at university campuses across the country. The question is will the groundswell of campus protests make a difference?
“Protests are really good at elevating an issue into the national dialogue and we are seeing that right now. That these protests have put the issues of the Israel-Hamas war and kind of suffering in Gaza on the map. Whether they will change investment polices in the universities seems unlikely in the short run,” said Omar Wasow, UC Berkeley Assistant Professor of Political Science.
At Stanford, the university gave letters to some protesters saying if they continue to camp out here past 8 pm, and stay overnight, they may be suspended.