Woman reports coyote attacking Chihuahua in her San Jose backyard

A San Jose woman reports that her Chihuahua was severely attacked by a coyote in her backyard over the weekend. The incident occurred in a neighborhood north of Valley Medical Center, an area she didn’t expect to have coyotes.
The 10-year-old Chihuahua, named “Boy,” is in recovery and was visibly in pain on Monday. “Boy means everything to me. He’s like my baby,” said the owner, Lupe, who preferred not to give her last name. Boy typically accompanies her everywhere.
Lupe recounted that the attack happened around 5:30 a.m. on Saturday when Boy went outside to relieve himself. She heard him barking and saw three coyotes in the backyard. While two were deterred by the barking, the third coyote attacked Boy. Lupe managed to scare it away by throwing a rock, but not before significant damage was done.
Boy underwent surgery and received numerous stitches after spending two days in the hospital.
Lupe was shocked to see coyotes in her neighborhood, as she had not expected them to be present. California Department of Fish and Wildlife officials acknowledged that coyotes are increasingly appearing in various areas, though no prior reports had been received for this particular neighborhood.
Officials advise that coyotes are most active between dusk and dawn and recommend keeping pets indoors during these times and avoiding leaving pet food outside. If a coyote is spotted, they suggest making noise and appearing larger to scare it off. Residents can report sightings on the department’s website.
Lupe hopes sharing her experience will encourage others to keep their pets safe and close when outdoors. “Be careful,” she urged. “That’s all I’m asking – to be careful.”